Tithes & Offerings
Bank Transfer:
Recipient: Berlin International Community Church e.V.
IBAN: DE42 1008 0000 0611 0228 00
Bank: Commerzbank
Designated Use: Name and Address / Tithes and Offerings
What Is A Tithe?
A tithe, constituting one-tenth (10%) of our income, is a voluntary offering given to God. Its origins trace back to the life of Abraham (Genesis 14:18-20; Hebrews 7:2,6) and later became a part of God's Law for the nation of Israel (Leviticus 27:30). The purpose of tithing is to show respect and honor to the Lord, recognizing Him as the ultimate Source and Provider of all things, including our ability to generate wealth (Deuteronomy 14:22-23; 8:17-18). We firmly believe that the practice of tithing remains God's foundational standard for how Christians can faithfully steward their finances within their local church.
What Is An Offering?
Offerings are voluntary gifts presented to God, extending beyond the tithe and originating from the remaining 90% of our income. While tithes primarily contribute to building and supporting the local church, offerings exceeding the 10% tithe allocation play a vital role in expanding the church's ministries. These additional contributions allow the church to reach beyond its walls and serve the needs of those outside the congregation, fostering a broader impact in the community and beyond.
Attention: if you have consistently included your name and address on envelopes and bank transfers throughout the calendar year, a giving receipt will be automatically mailed to you in January.
All donations are eligible for tax deductions. Please provide your name and address on the envelope or within your bank transfer to receive an annual giving receipt. Berlin International Community Church e.V. operates independently of the German state church, receiving no church tax or government funding. As a registered non-profit organization, we adhere to the legal regulations outlined by the German Ministry of Finance (Finanzamt). Our finances are solely sourced from the Tithes and Offerings of individuals who consider Berlin Church their home. To ensure transparency, a reputable Berlin-based accounting firm manages our records.